The use of this message type requires Message User Group (MUG) registration.
MT558 Scope
This message is sent by a triparty agent after the receipt of a collateral instruction from its client.
In this message, the Sender is the triparty agent and the Receiver is either the collateral taker or the collateral giver or their account servicer.
This message provides valuation results as well as the status of the collateral instruction and the status of the proposed collateral movements (cash and securities).
The message may also be used to:
re-send a message previously sent (Subfunction of the message is DUPL)
provide a third party with a copy of the message for information (Subfunction of the message is COPY)
re-send to a third party a copy of the message for information (Subfunction of the message is CODU)
MT558 Format Specifications
The status and processing advice contains four sequences:
Sequence A General Information provides general information about the instruction and collateral transaction the message refers to, that is, the function of the message, the identification of the collateral transaction, the references of the linked messages, the identification of the parties, the safekeeping account, the reason for which collateral is needed (the exposure type), the identification of the collateral action, the agent specific information, the required margin and the status and reason information.
Sequence B Deal Transaction Details contains the deal transaction details.
Repetitive sequence C Securities Movement contains the securities movements with their status.
Repetitive sequence D Cash Movement contains the cash movements with their status.
Sequence E Additional Information contains exposure and collateral value per page and party information.
Status | Tag | Qualifier | Generic Field Name | Detailed Field Name | Content/Options | No. |
Mandatory Sequence A General Information |
M |
16R |
GENL | 1 |
M |
28E |
5n/4!c | 2 |
-----> |
M |
20C |
4!c |
Reference |
:4!c//16x | 3 |
-----| |
M |
23G |
4!c[/4!c] | 4 |
-----> |
M |
98a |
4!c |
Date/Time |
A, C, or E | 5 |
-----| |
-----> |
M |
22a |
4!c |
Indicator |
F or H | 6 |
-----| |
-----> |
O |
13B |
4!c |
Number Identification |
:4!c/[8c]/30x | 7 |
-----| |
-----> Mandatory Repetitive Subsequence A1 Collateral Parties |
M |
16R |
-----> |
M |
95a |
4!c |
Party |
L, P, Q, or R | 9 |
-----| |
O |
97a |
4!c |
Account |
A, B, or D | 10 |
M |
16S |
-----| End of Subsequence A1 Collateral Parties |
-----> Optional Repetitive Subsequence A2 Status |
M |
16R |
STAT | 12 |
M |
25D |
4!c |
Status Code |
:4!c/[8c]/4!c | 13 |
-----> Optional Repetitive Subsequence A2a Reason |
M |
16R |
REAS | 14 |
M |
24B |
4!c |
Reason Code |
:4!c/[8c]/4!c | 15 |
O |
70D |
Narrative |
:4!c//6*35x | 16 |
M |
16S |
REAS | 17 |
-----| End of Subsequence A2a Reason |
M |
16S |
STAT | 18 |
-----| End of Subsequence A2 Status |
-----> |
O |
17B |
4!c |
Flag |
:4!c//1!a | 19 |
-----| |
-----> |
O |
19A |
4!c |
Amount |
:4!c//[N]3!a15d | 20 |
-----| |
-----> |
O |
70a |
4!c |
Narrative |
D or E | 21 |
-----| |
-----> Optional Repetitive Subsequence A3 Linkages |
M |
16R |
LINK | 22 |
O |
13a |
Number Identification |
A or B | 23 |
M |
20a |
4!c |
Reference |
C or U | 24 |
M |
16S |
LINK | 25 |
-----| End of Subsequence A3 Linkages |
M |
16S |
GENL | 26 |
End of Sequence A General Information |
Mandatory Sequence B Deal Transaction Details |
M |
16R |
O |
94a |
Place |
B or L | 28 |
O |
17B |
Flag |
:4!c//1!a | 29 |
-----> |
O |
99B |
4!c |
Number Count |
:4!c//3!n | 30 |
-----| |
M |
98a |
Date/Time |
A, B, or C | 31 |
-----> |
O |
19A |
4!c |
Amount |
:4!c//[N]3!a15d | 32 |
-----| |
-----> Optional Repetitive Subsequence B1 Amount Breakdown |
M |
16R |
BREAK | 33 |
M |
13B |
Number Identification |
:4!c/[8c]/30x | 34 |
M |
19A |
Amount |
:4!c//[N]3!a15d | 35 |
M |
16S |
BREAK | 36 |
-----| End of Subsequence B1 Amount Breakdown |
-----> |
O |
92a |
4!c |
Rate |
A or C | 37 |
-----| |
O |
11A |
Pricing Rate Currency |
:4!c//3!a | 38 |
-----> |
O |
22a |
4!c |
Indicator |
F or H | 39 |
-----| |
M |
16S |
End of Sequence B Deal Transaction Details |
-----> Optional Repetitive Sequence C Securities Movement |
M |
16R |
SECMOVE | 41 |
M |
22H |
Indicator |
:4!c//4!c | 42 |
M |
35B |
[ISIN1!e12!c] | 43 |
M |
36a |
Quantity of Financial Instrument |
B or D | 44 |
O |
25D |
Status Code |
:4!c/[8c]/4!c | 45 |
-----> |
M |
17B |
4!c |
Flag |
:4!c//1!a | 46 |
-----| |
O |
97a |
4!c |
Account |
A, B, or D | 47 |
-----> |
O |
20C |
4!c |
Reference |
:4!c//16x | 48 |
-----| |
O |
19A |
Amount |
:4!c//[N]3!a15d | 49 |
O |
70D |
Narrative |
:4!c//6*35x | 50 |
M |
16S |
SECMOVE | 51 |
-----| End of Sequence C Securities Movement |
-----> Optional Repetitive Sequence D Cash Movements |
M |
16R |
M |
22H |
Indicator |
:4!c//4!c | 53 |
M |
19A |
Amount |
:4!c//[N]3!a15d | 54 |
-----> |
O |
20C |
4!c |
Reference |
:4!c//16x | 55 |
-----| |
O |
25D |
Status Code |
:4!c/[8c]/4!c | 56 |
-----> |
M |
17B |
4!c |
Flag |
:4!c//1!a | 57 |
-----| |
O |
97a |
Account |
A or E | 58 |
O |
70D |
Narrative |
:4!c//6*35x | 59 |
M |
16S |
-----| End of Sequence D Cash Movements |
Optional Sequence E Additional Information |
M |
16R |
ADDINFO | 61 |
-----> |
O |
95a |
4!c |
Party |
P, Q, or R | 62 |
-----| |
M |
16S |
ADDINFO | 63 |
End of Sequence E Additional Information |
MT558 Network Validated Rules
C1 In sequence A, the presence of sequence A2 depends on the value of field :23G:<Function> subfield 1 as follows:
Sequence A
if value of field :23G:4!c[/4!c] subfield 1 is ...
then subsequence A2 is ...
Not allowed
C2 If sequence A field :22a::COLA// is other than SLEB, then sequence B field :19A::TRAA must be present.
Sequence A
field :22a::COLA is ...
Then sequence B
field :19A::TRAA is ...
Not SLEB (1)
C3 In sequence A, all qualifiers of field 98a are optional, but at least one (any one) must be present.
C4 In each occurrence of subsequence A1, if field :95L::ALTA is present, then field :95a::ACOW must be present.
MT558 Usage Rules
Triparty Scenarios
The triparty collateral management service is used by two trading parties at the agreement of a business transaction (for example, a repo, a securities loan, ... ) when they want to secure the transaction with collateral. The management of this collateral (that is, agreeing on quantity and type, marking to market, ... ) is done by a third party, the triparty collateral manager.
Before starting to use these services, the three parties will first sign a contract in which they stipulate the rules of the agreement.
There are three types of triparty collateral management:
collateral management without settlement
collateral management with settlement of the collateral on the books of the agent
collateral management with external settlement
In the first scenario the triparty agent will calculate the necessary quantity of collateral and instruct the trading parties on which movements need to occur. For example, party A and party B closed a repo deal for 1,000,000 USD. They inform the triparty agent of the deal details. The agent will then calculate which pieces of collateral need to be moved to cover the 1,000,000 USD exposure and will inform the trading parties. Parties A and B then settle the movements as instructed by the agent.
In the second scenario the triparty agent will also execute the settlement. By servicing a safekeeping account for both parties, the agent will not only calculate the necessary movements but will also settle them internally on its books.
The third scenario is only a slight deviation from the second one. In this case the agent has the authority to move securities from party A's and B's safekeeping accounts with their respective subcustodians.
Triparty Definitions
Collateral Management Transaction
The triparty agent will create this transaction on receipt of the deal information from the two trading parties. For example, when party A and B have agreed on a securities loan and have reported this information to the triparty agent, the agent will create a collateral management transaction to manage this securities loan on its internal systems.
A transaction is created, can be changed and is terminated.
Collateral Management Instruction
The trading parties will request the triparty manager to perform certain instructions on the collateral management transaction. An instruction can be to initiate a transaction, modify the terms of a transaction, or close a transaction (non-exhaustive list of instructions). The triparty agent will send feedback on the requested instruction.
Life cycle of Collateral Management Transaction
When a transaction is initiated, agreed on by both parties, accepted and declared valid by the triparty agent, the life cycle of the transaction starts. The transaction will normally last as long as the underlying deal. At the end of its life cycle a transaction is closed.
Life cycle of Collateral Management Instruction
The life cycle of a collateral management instruction starts when the user of the triparty service sends an instruction message. At receipt of the instruction message, the triparty agent will process the instruction and assign a status (that is, valid or rejected). At each step in the life cycle of an instruction a different status will be assigned. For example, an instruction can be valid for processing or rejected because it is incorrect. If an instruction needs to be matched (for example, two initiation- instructions from party A and B need to match) it can have a status matched or unmatched. Other statuses describe the sufficiency or eligibility of the collateral.
When the MT558 is sent as an allegement/advice (:23G:ADVD), fields 25D Status, 24B Reason, 17B Collateral Approved Flag, 19A Required Margin Amount must not be used as they have no business meaning in an allegement. Sequences Securities Movement (C) and Cash Movement (D) must neither be used.