MT510 Scope
This message is sent by an account servicer (account servicing Institution) to an account owner. The account owner may be a global custodian which has an account with its local agent (sub custodian), a local agent (sub custodian) which has an account with its clearing agent or registration provider, a financial institution which has an account with its local agent (sub custodian).
This message is used to:
advise the status of a registration instruction or modification previously sent by the account owner (the function of the message is INST)
advise the status of the registration process (the function of the message is REGT)
reply to a cancellation request previously sent by the account owner (the function of the message is CAST)
MT510 Format Specifications
Status | Tag | Qualifier | Generic Field Name | Detailed Field Name | Content/Options | No. |
Mandatory Sequence A General Information |
M |
16R |
GENL | 1 |
M |
20C |
Reference |
:4!c//16x | 2 |
M |
23G |
4!c[/4!c] | 3 |
O |
98a |
Date/Time |
A, C, or E | 4 |
-----> Mandatory Repetitive Subsequence A1 Linkages |
M |
16R |
LINK | 5 |
O |
13a |
Number Identification |
A or B | 6 |
M |
20C |
4!c |
Reference |
:4!c//16x | 7 |
M |
16S |
LINK | 8 |
-----| End of Subsequence A1 Linkages |
-----> Mandatory Repetitive Subsequence A2 Status |
M |
16R |
STAT | 9 |
M |
25D |
4!c |
Status Code |
:4!c/[8c]/4!c | 10 |
-----> Optional Repetitive Subsequence A2a Reason |
M |
16R |
REAS | 11 |
M |
24B |
4!c |
Reason Code |
:4!c/[8c]/4!c | 12 |
O |
70D |
Narrative |
:4!c//6*35x | 13 |
M |
16S |
REAS | 14 |
-----| End of Subsequence A2a Reason |
M |
16S |
STAT | 15 |
-----| End of Subsequence A2 Status |
M |
16S |
GENL | 16 |
End of Sequence A General Information |
Optional Sequence B Registration Details |
M |
16R |
REGDET | 17 |
-----> |
O |
20D |
4!c |
Reference |
:4!c//25x | 18 |
-----| |
-----> |
O |
95a |
4!c |
Party |
P, R, S, or U | 19 |
-----| |
-----> |
O |
94a |
4!c |
Place |
C, D, or G | 20 |
-----| |
-----> |
O |
13B |
4!c |
Number Identification |
:4!c/[8c]/30x | 21 |
-----| |
-----> |
O |
98a |
4!c |
Date/Time |
A or C | 22 |
-----| |
O |
35B |
[ISIN1!e12!c] | 23 |
O |
36a |
Quantity of Financial Instrument |
B or D | 24 |
O |
97a |
4!c |
Account |
A or D | 25 |
M |
16S |
REGDET | 26 |
End of Sequence B Registration Details |
Optional Sequence C Additional Information |
M |
16R |
ADDINFO | 27 |
-----> |
O |
95a |
4!c |
Party |
P, Q, or R | 28 |
-----| |
M |
16S |
ADDINFO | 29 |
End of Sequence C Additional Information |
MT510 Network Validated Rules
There are no network validated rules for this message type.
MT510 Usage Rules
When the message is used to advise the status of a cancellation of an MT 500 Instruction to Register, an MT 519 Modification of Client Details, field 20C Reference in subsequence A1 Linkages must contain the reference of the cancellation request.
When the message is used to advise the status of an instruction of an MT 500 Instruction to Register, an MT 519 Modification of client details, field 20C Reference in subsequence A1 Linkages must contain the reference of the instruction or modification.
The message can also be used to advise the status of the registration processing.